Today, I walked into my college – took a deep breath and sighed. This is it. I thought. This is the end.
In just two weeks, my two years here at Cayuga will be over. They will be finished. They will be done.
But before I leave, there are a few people I want to thank.
Those who truly can’t be thanked enough:
To the friend who loved me:
They say love is the hardest word to describe. If that is true, friendship has to be the second. Over the past few years, you have been my secret keeper, my second sister and my favorite classmate. But most importantly you have been my closest friend.
We have done many things together. And there is a lot we still have yet to do. But when I reflect back on some of my favorite memories, I think of many, many things. Like high school study hall, prom, graduating, watching Beyonce in concert and our first day at Cayuga.
And then I think of the future. I think of everything we have yet to achieve and everything we have yet to do. I think of leaving college, traveling the world, reaching our separate dreams and celebrating each one.
I can’t imagine my life without you. And I can’t imagine life before you entered it. But that is the best part, I don’t have to. Although, I am leaving Cayuga, you are leaving too. We might not see each other on the daily, but my love for you will never change.
You are apart of my past. Apart of my present. And apart of my future. You are my best friend and everything I want to be.
To the tutor who saved me:
If I thanked you one thousand times, it still wouldn’t be enough to express the gratitude I have for you!!
During my time at Cayuga, you helped me more than once, in more than one subject. In fact, you taught me like a teacher would, you truly helped me learn.
There were easy days, there were rough days – but no matter what – you sat by me. You showed me new tricks. And you taught me new methods. You worked with me, guided me and made me a better student.
And although I won’t ever be able to show you the depth of my gratitude. I will always try.
To the professor who taught me: (Truly, truly taught me).
If you were to look up the definition of an educator on google, it would read: “A person who provides instruction or education, a teacher.” This true. This is you. But they left a few things out.
Please, let me explain: when I think of an educator, a good one, you are the teacher I think of. You are the professor who taught me, worked with me, helped me, encouraged me and so on. But in all honesty, hand in the air, this was just the beginning. You gave me so much more than this. ^
You gave me a mentor.
You gave me a role model.
You gave me a friend.
And then some…
When I think of my time at Cayuga, you are one of the best people I had the pleasure of meeting. And you are one of the people, I one day hope to be like.
The dictionary definition of an educator, truly doesn’t compare to the teacher you are. It barely scratches the surface.
Thank you for being you! And thank you for touching my life. You truly made a difference.
Love This!!!!
Alyshia!! I am so proud of you!!! When wr first met, you were just 3yrs old!! Loved you from that moment and always will! Your biggest cheerleader!! You go girl!! Love you!!!! Julie, aka Cindaberry!
Very proud of you young lady.
I just want to remind you… I want to be you when I grow up! I knew when I met you in our first class together, that God has great plans for you! I will be watching and praying!